Thursday, April 18, 2013


This week your hosts sit down and reflect on our personal preferences in music. Specifically this week we want to know DO YOU THINK THAT THE EVOLUTION OF MUSIC HAS GONE BACKWARDS? What makes a difference between an artist and an entertainer? What is your idea of good music today? What is the difference between a musical legend and a corporate puppet? These are the questions that we considered this week while responding to our blog.

Don't forget to tune into our live show on Thursday April 18, 2013 @ 9:30 pm on 


The music culture in this country, I believe, has gone backwards. The United States has produced legendary artists like Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin, Michael Jackson, among many many others, as well as launched international careers like Bob Marley, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and many many other artists that came out in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 90s. For example Nirvana in the 90s. It seems as soon as we hit the millennium music suffered a tremendous blow. Pop is terrible rock. Even worse hip hop is in the toilet. Young kids don't know what the difference is between a corporate puppet and a legend that fights for the right to send out a positive message. 

This week we will explore lyrics, accomplishments and the mark that legends have left in comparison to these clowns that poison our children's minds. 


Music exists to entertain. I do not agree that the evolution of music has gone backwards. During hard times such as the great depression, times of war and similar events music is an outlet and a way for people to forget the hard times. So there may not be great meaning in the hits but they are meant to have fun. Our country has been faced with hard times for the last 10+ years I think if you reflect on the music it shows. The difference between an artist and an entertainer, is someone who not only sings, they play instruments and write music. That's what makes them an artist. An entertainer may perform someone else's songs and makes their live show more of a spectacle. The difference between a legend and a corporate puppet is along the same lines of artist and entertainer. The legend makes a name for themselves based on their musical talents and the corporate puppet could crossover to legend territory but they would need to overcome the chains of management which may be hard to do. My idea of good music are songs that tell a story. I love lyrics and if I can connect with the song I'm more inclined to play it again and actually buy it.


I personally think that music has gone completely backwards especially in my favorite genre R&B. Let me preface this discussion by saying I am not a music connoisseur, and I don’t claim to be, but I do know what I like.

I am typically fond of 90’s R&B. I absolutely loved Avant, Joe, Case, Lauryn Hill, and of course, some Maxwell! Can I get a woot woot? You can still find me bumping some Ex-Factor by Ms. Hill, or This Woman’s Work by Maxwell. To this day I have yet to hear an artist that makes me have an emotional experience with their music. I do like Miguel’s Let My Love Adorn You, but it could just be the style.

I am also very fond of some Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, UB40, Bob Marley, Teena Marie, and Michael Jackson. My taste in music differs. I can rock to some alternative, groove to some soul, pretend to roll on some dubs with my West Coast gangster rap, and honkey tonk to some country. Music is very therapeutic, and the right song makes all the difference.

There is definitely a difference between an artist and an entertainer, and rarely are we graced with a musician that has both. One of my personal favorites is Michael Jackson. How talented was that man!?!? Regardless of his personal life, which I don’t care to discuss, that man made some incredible music and was always entertaining. Another artist that is controversial, but I think is incredibly talented, is Lady Gaga. Yes, she is over the top. But that lady can sing, write, and entertain like no ones business. Sorry about it, she may have copied her fashion style, but that woman is a genius!!!

So the question is about the evolution of music. I know I’m about to get some haters, but let’s go there. No, I do not want to “superman that hoe” or “lean like a cholo”, but you can catch me trying to “drop it low” or even making failed attempts at “getting my eagle on”! Lol! Sometimes “ratchet” music just sounds fun, and is incredibly entertaining. Yes, I said ratchet, you darn kids with the slang. Lol!

Is it art in my opinion? No. Is it good music? Perhaps. Is it something that I would put my name behind? Probably not. Music changes with the generations. I’m assuming this new music that I’ve heard cares more about a catchy hook than a meaningful song. I think that music today lacks depth, and doesn’t tell a story. This is definitely just my opinion though. Cheers!


  1. So I'm not sure if you guys started the show yet but i wanted to say i agree with Michele. I don't think music has gone backwards but times have changed. People no longer go through the struggles that people once did. People no longer hold the same values and morals people once did. Now its just about making money, what's catchy and what causes controversy. We probably won't see many legends come out of this generation but it is also because there are many comparisons that people hold them too.

    1. Thank you for your continued support! I totally agree the music industry is a business and right now it does seem like it's all about they money and the hit makers! We appreciate you taking the time to listen and give us feed back! Cheers! -Michele

  2. I grew up on good al classic, i kind of agree with Luis. I am a musician and I was a roadie for a long time...been with some good bands and some shitty ones... yet, this doesn't make me the expert...but there is a lot of recycle music that has now been turned to shit hahahaha....
    You can even see this phenomenon with the so called hipsters...its like a mix of all ages from 70s 80s etc...

    The Anonymous One

    1. Hello there The Anonymous One and I too was raised on classic rock! My Dad is a huge fan of rock music in general and exposed me to rock music at a young age. I remember telling my parent's to play "The Guns" at five years old. That's really awesome that you have worked so close in the music industry! As for hipsters I'm not a hipster nor do I know any so I can't really comment on that. Can you give us your example of good and bad music? Thanks for the support we really appreciate your feedback! Cheers-Michele

    2. well guys, I try not to use such labels as 'good or bad' nonetheless those will be the descriptors. Good would be with connection to talent. nonetheless, for instance Frank Zappa. A super humans with regards to complex music, but it would be seen as 'bad' because it doesn't have the pop-ishness to it.
      I base myself on the musicians and their dexterity and tallant to distinguish good from bad. Now genre ...with it...there are several humans of good quality. unfortunately for the genre of rock and metal as a derivative of such....a high percentage of prodigies are found in that genre. I can go on and on and on jjajaja.
      The anonymous one.

  3. Yay.. you guys rocked today...and thanx for taking my topic in on cheating.

    Questions to ask on that day. a karmic question
    if you cheated,,,for any justification, whether it was 'you were too young when got married, etc" [whatever the fack that means lol]and the same was done unto you, i.e. the one who got wronged...would you accept the karmic debt?

    another scenario that ive seen: male cheats and woman mostly leave. some are submissive sadly enough dumb and stay with such an asshole.
    The anonymous One...

    1. Hey The Anonymous One! I personally belive in karma, and I am a stickler for always trying to do what's right. It's hard, and sometimes people percieve it as a weakness, but I do things in a certain way because of karma. I like your scenarios, and I plan on answering this scenario in the other post that you posted. :)

      Cheers- Leilani

  4. The Anonymous One I am responding once again to your post, because I want you to know that we read it all. :) Thank you again for tuning in and I am soooooo glad you enjoyed todays show!

    I am recording your questions down so we can cover them on next weeks show. I love how you mention scenarios because it gives us something to think about other than questions. In my opinion things are always different when they affect the person on a personal level.

    Thanks again for tuning in and we can't wait to hear more from you!!!

    Cheers- Leilani

    1. The scenarios are from real life but keeping anonymity. Hope they don't hit home LOL; yet, it has its therapeutic value.
      SCENARIO: male cheater that justified his promiscuity on being married too young, which in reality, his promiscuity has nothing to do with this for he has a porn addiction from time past; just to mention one of many addictions. The woman wants out and has 3 children with him. The guy has asked for forgiveness yet has fucked up several times. She is now unwilling because there has been consecutive heartbreaks. She said that if he really wants to make amends and 'loves her', as he so hypocritely stated, for his deeds the only thing left for a chance for redemption is to let her be free and pay childsupport and help her with money for her to become independent from any male. this I mention because the male controls her by not giving money and psychologically abuses her with threats of taking her beloved children from her. he also thinks that she is cheating on him because of his own guilt and fear...he projects [meaning that he mirrors his bad deeds on to her].
      Personally, not even therapy can change this woman's mind now and the only chance for cleaning his mess is to let her go and altruistically to help her out. Ps. the man suffers from something called misogyny which impedes him from seeing his faults. the woman lacks a whole lot of psychological insight too. He made her unhappy and she wants to be happy and still doesn't want to help her out. She also doesn't put out because she is disgusted to know that his genital have been somewhere else...and still the guy gets pissed off.

      The anonymous one

    2. Hey Anonymous One! So onto your scenarios as I mentioned in the other post, I will respond to that previous question here. Like I said I believe in karma. I do think of scenarios in this way... What would I do if the tables were turn? How would I respond if put in that situation? These questions have gotten me through some trials in life let me tell you. Lol!

      The first scenario you mention in regards to karma... I think that it's not really a choice to accept the consequences. If something happens in the form of retaliation, well then it happens. It's done. There's really nothing more you can do with it. Karma basically kicked your ass, and whether you admit it or not, you are suffering the consequences. If you are asking if someone will take the blame and have an epiphany in regards to their behavior and admit that the backlash was there own fault, well that depends on the individual. Do you agree?

      In regards to the second scenario I think that there are a lot of underlying reasons to why this couple has had so many issues with cheating. First the husbands addiction to porn could have been the sole reason, but why wouldn't he have shared this with his wife? Not saying she would need to accept this behavior, but probably try to understand it? Does that make sense? LOL! The paranoia that comes with cheating affects both parties on all ends. He's paranoid because of guilt, her because of trust. Honestly having kids seems to be the primary motivation for staying together. I have known couples that try to "work it out" because of kids. It's sad but true. Psychologically both people sound like they have personal issues that are way more intense than just cheating. The relationship overall sounds like many instances of what can be considered an "abusive relationship" and unhealthy.

      This is all just my opinion. I have no background in psychology or counseling, but am speaking just from an outside perspective.

      Thank you for keeping the anonymity of the parties involved. Our intentions are never to "rat" anyone out. But these are great scenarios and I have some that I will also be sharing on the show. :)

      I hope I answered your questions from my point of view. Keep the questions, and scenarios coming. We love to here them!!!

      Cheers- Leilani

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Leilani,
      ps. i do have background although i will keep anomos.
      as for one of the 'descriptive' scenario...the questions is...sorry for the lengthiness lol
      no.1. no forgiveness and unwillingness...the person just wants freedom, the hurt was done; what would you do if the person has 'laid the cards on the table'?
      no.2. if you have what you need at home why go somewhere else for more?
      no.3. If a person doesn't give you sex because you are boring in bed, or unattractive because of physicality/attitude/charmness is over, etc. ...does it mean you can justify looking elsewhere?

      more to come
      The Anonymous One.

    5. Hey The Anonymous One! That's awesome that you have a background in psych or counseling. I think this adds great perspective for our show. I have actually jotted down the original scenario including these three questions. I hope that we answer them to the best of our ability on tonight's show. Tune in. We look forward to hearing form you! Cheers- Leilani

    6. Hey, thanx to you guys... it was fun.
      These were only scenarios...a high percentage of them are similar so any resemblance is just as they say 'human nature'. these scenarios where in a way kind of "yes and no" answers...and to see the opinions/behavioral conditioning behind the 'yes and no' answer...
      I did see that the scenarios where being scrutinize too to find flaws and avoid answering. which that in it self was fun to see.

  5. Hey Anonymous One! Thank you for sharing your scenarios. I think for me personally it was hard to stick to the yes or no answers. I think that most scenarios are situational. Again it was difficult to read the scenarios on the spot for our hosts, and that's why it was being scrutinized a lot. Next time we will be on the same page. Cheers! :)
