Friday, July 26, 2013

Social Media Friend or Foe according to Michele!

From my experience I believe that in a business setting Social Media is a great tool to use to get you exposure and can really cost next to nothing. As far as Social Media in my personal life I believe that it can be my worst enemy.

In regards to the article Leilani mentioned in our show here's what I really think!

Anxieties Caused by Social Media

Pinterest — The Fear of Domestic Inadequacy
           I don't agree with this personally although I can see how that could be true, especially if you are comparing your pins to your friends pins. For me personally I use Pinterest for ideas and plans for the future, hopefully these things that I have pinned will come in handy one day and I will actually use them! LOL

Instagram — The Fear of Missing Out
          I think generation Y suffers from this anxiety in general because of social media. You can see what your "friends" are doing at all times of the day because they are updating their pages and of course people only show the "good" stuff or the drama! No one ever shows themselves sitting on the couch watching "House of Cards" in their sweats all weekend do they?

Facebook — The Fear of Personal Failure
          This one I agree with 100% like I said with Instagram everyone only shows the good stuff! So if you are a normal person with some sort of baggage of course you are comparing yourself to your "friends" you see their "great life" and you sit and wonder and torture yourself "why is it that I'm not doing the things they are? Why am I sitting here watching 'House of Cards' alone when that person is (Insert whatever that person is doing here)"

Twitter — The Fear of Looking Dumb
          This one I agree with 120%! You are limited to 140 characters! You have followers that will read your tweets and you feel like you have to be smart, witty, and an expert on whatever you want to talk about! Don't let there be a spelling error in one of your tweets! Utter mortification! (I've been there I used to instead of too, while a twitter conversation with my dream man at the time)

LinkedIn — The Fear of Career Failure
          This one I also agree with to some extent, I really like LinkedIn though I'm huge on Networking and this is the best way to connect with other professionals you meet during networking events. You never know when someone may need help with something that you may know about. Not everyone has the same skills and you never know how you may help someone else in their career or vice versa! The thing how I see this could be an anxiety though is your "connections" are notified on your events, Did you celebrate an anniversary at work? Did you switch jobs? Did you get a promotion? Everyone of your connections will know on LinkedIn, great for positive events and maybe a little disappointing for the not so positive. On the other hand you have some great connections so if something bad may happen you never know who may be looking for your exact skills to help them with their next venture!

Spotify — The Fear of Bad Taste
          Spotify I love you! I don't agree with this because I feel like everyone likes their own music. I don't believe there is bad taste everyone has their own unique taste. Not everyone may agree that what I like is good but I think it's great and that's all that matters!

Off topic real quick I want to say that Luis obviously upset me when called us alcoholics. I am not an alcoholic, I do not drink a lot or often. Alcoholism is a disease, I do have family members who deal with this daily. That is not one of my demons.

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