Thursday, April 25, 2013

Listener's Choice- CHEATING

We have dedicated our very first ever Listener's Choice topic to The Anonymous One, whose feedback prompted us to talk about CHEATING. This week we looked at this crucial question when thinking about cheating. WHAT EXACTLY IS CONSIDERED CHEATING AND WHAT PROMPTS SOMEONE TO CHEAT? The Chatting Drunk Hosts are looking forward to discussing their different takes on this subject. We definitely do not agree on this one so tune in! Cheers!

Check us out at on Thursday at 9:00 pm! You can chat live with your hosts online through Blogtalk Radio, Facebook, and Twitter. We will also be taking LIVE CALLERS! So please tune in for Chatting Drunk!

First I want to start this weeks post by saying I am nowhere near comfortable discussing this topic. I have cheated, been cheated on, been the other woman and have witnessed others close to me go through the same. I believe in karma and believe i have already paid for my sins, I have learned from these experiences and would never do them again.

I think people turn to cheating because they are cowards. If they were not, they would stay true to themselves and end the current relationship before starting something new. I think honesty is key in any relationship and if you are not happy and have thought of straying, tell your partner if you want to work at it, do so, and if not part ways. Cheating is not going to help the situation it only makes things worse. It hurts others not only the person that has been cheated on.

I think there are different levels of cheating and no one is better, or easily forgiven than the other. Cheating is still cheating and is hard to move on from or forgive. First there is emotionally cheating, where one partner turns to another for emotional support. I believe most women who cheat start here! Then there is physically cheating, where a partner engages in physical acts with someone other than their significant other. Now some people would classify a kiss as cheating, others do not, it depends on how someone views that I guess.


I am excited about our first Listener's Choice Show! This topic is, in my opinion, controversial. That's why we limited it down to these two questions. So I will answer them respectively. Let me preface this topic by saying that I haven't ever cheated, and I haven't ever been the one cheated on. At least that I know of.  LOL!

So what do you consider cheating? In my opinion there are two forms of cheating. The emotional aspect and the physical aspect. Physical cheating in my opinion is when someone engages in sex, perhaps even kissing, but I don't know if I think that hugging another person would be considered cheating. I think that there are too many people that are so over possessive of their partners that they think that when their partner gives someone a high five, a hug, or a kiss on the cheek, that person has every intention of cheating. After speaking with a great friend of mine, she pointed out that those instances show that people have "EVERY INTENTION OF CHEATING!" (Had to capitalize for emphasis on the way she told me. Hahahaha) Intentions of cheating, do not mean that the person will actually cheat. I think of it this way, the intentions of buying some awesome new shoes, doesn't mean that you're going to go out of your way and buy those awesome shoes. There are a lot of things to consider, price, location, the fit. All of these things could run through your mind, but that actual purchase has not been made yet. Intentions mean nothing until they turn into actions.

On that note let me say that emotional cheating is probably a little more intense. Unless you are a mind reader, there is probably no or little signs to prove that your partner is cheating. However, once that emotional attachment is gone, then what is the point of staying in a relationship? Someone that cheats emotionally has now invested time, thought, and love, into another person that is not their significant other. Feelings can't be controlled, and if someone isn't "feeling" the other person, then they become emotionally detached. Thus the cheating. 

Now why do people cheat? I feel for women that it's more of an emotional detachment. This could also be a stereotype. Some women are like men and need to be sexually satisfied. But then again that's a stereotype, because men also require emotional attachments in a healthy relationship. So, in my opinion, there is basically an emotional or physical need not being satisfied. 

Whew! That was a lot from my perspective. Lol! 


What is considered cheating? Whenever we betray a trust of our partner, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual bonding with a third party without the partners consent.

Why do people cheat? People have different scenarios in which society judges upon. At what point should we judge it? At what point should we not? I believe it's important to put yourself in peoples shoes before you frown upon their actions.

The rest I'll discuss on the show.


  1. Great show guys. Although the male coward out by not answering and by questioning too much the scenarios... meaning...I would bet a finger that he has cheated...on what he so-calls precious. but I don't judge. For I've done it and I paid my price. "since I really did feel/'loved' this person...but I make myself responsible for my act I did let this person go in accordance to the wishes of the he/she"
    at first I thought I couldn't live without this person but i'm enough with the victimization and drama. BUT WAHT I CALLED PRECIOUS...AT THE TIME OF MY GENITALS JOINING WITH ANOTHERE BEING...WASNT AT QUESTIONS.
    Ladies...what regards... Luis...very charismatic...but moralistic...and that is just a compensation of the dirty little secrets hidden..hahahaa....

  2. Cheating...
    with males...its testosterone...unresolved homoerotic issues; the biological issue of spreading the gene; mommy issues...meaning, the wife represents the mom and hence the man cannot have full sexuality with the spouse for she cannot be treated as a sex object, a slut...therefore the male will look for someone that will represent that sexual being. Also, in the male....the hidden homosexuality due to an early sexual abuse. he's just trying to be manly so the more he pounds the more he assures himself as a man. [you see, if a woman does this...she is labeled as a whore...but a man a stallion]
    All humans seek sex..but since because of culture, the female disguises the sex urge with romanticism. and the male since he is les stigmatize he doesn't.
    And of course females vs males ...the seeking of sex is different.
    Especially if the male broke the bond with the female for only sexual gratification..the female is hurt in their ego/being. versus the territoriality of a male...
    There are so many things that I can tell...with out being categorical...

    the anonymous one. ps. I am a counselor in addiction and bio psychologist... and I practice ethically...but I don't care about credentials...I hope you grow mature with these topics.... and do what is right for others....:D

  3. Hey The Anonymous One! Thanks for tuning in tonight and for chatting with us live! We enjoyed doing this show although I admit because it was our first Listener's Choice Topic, we were trying our best to cover the scenarios. I also was the only one that kept into constant contact with you and failed to inform my cohosts of our frequent conversations. LOL! So I can say they were a bit surprised with the scenarios and me fumbling through the explanations. Hahahaha! Cheating Part II will go a lot smoother.

    I personally think that Luis did an amazing job of answering all of the questions tonight. I can't personally speak for him in regards to his personal life. I do know that as his friend he is always very charismatic and that's why we appreciate his take on all topics!!! :)

    LOL@ genitals joining! You are incredibly funny!

    Thanks for giving us insight into the biological aspects of cheating. Had we been alloted more time, I would have loved to discuss all the biology associated with relationships that we had discussed this past week. Perhaps Cheating Part II can be dedicated to the biology of cheating and relationships? And perhaps we can have you call in as a guest? Just some thoughts. LOL!

    I had read on the Madonna complex that some men give to their significant others. Meaning that they hold them up to a higher standard than other women, and similar to comparing them to their mothers as you mention. I think women do the same thing, and culturally, we expect a man to be our hero. When our spouses lack these qualities, we tend to look to other places. It's sad but true.

    I personally cannot stand the double standards associated with sex for men and women. It's horrible! I look at each person as an individual, and each relationship as unique, and definitely try not judge anyone for their personal preferences.

    I did want to know what you meant by categorical? What do you mean? Does this mean that things cannot simply be labeled, and more complicated than that?

    I do appreciate you sharing your qualifications. I think that's a great accomplishment and you have a lot of insight into our weekly topics. Keep it coming! Definitely keeps me on my toes. And we definitely hope to grow as hosts on this show, and of course in our personal lives.

    Hope to hear from you again! Cheers- Leilani

  4. Categorically Thinking...
    It is like a filter, or of having a set of a certain type of eyeglasses. In one point in our life we decided to put those glasses on...either because of imposition/trauma/behavioral conditioning/etc. For example, giving my opinion from an ideology; i.e., Catholicism, etc. With this way of being...nothings gets resolved. :(
    From that 'point.of.view.' we judge things/topics/people/etc. And as for the topics chat about a topic...without oneself knowing will be opinionated from the categorical stand point.
    It is biological that one is like this...because of 'hardwiring'; i.e., neurological pathways, levels of certain neurotransmitters, etc. not to mention environment...
    You SEE! I can just say something without taking all sides of the matter; include all disciplines, etc.

    The anonymous one...

  5. Hey Anonymous One! That is a great example of staying open minded and impartial. I think with a topic such as cheating, there is no way to avoid talking about personal opinions. As someone who is not knowledgeable about biology, that perhaps makes it more difficult for me to understand how to stay so neutral. Thanks for sharing examples. Definitely makes me think. Cheers! Leilani
